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NMRiH french

From No More Room in Hell
Revision as of 18:37, 23 August 2012 by Riley (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Translations '''NOTE:''' The "_short" weapon name entries should be no longer than 12-13 characters. <pre> "lang" { "Language" "Français (French)" "Tokens"...")

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NOTE: The "_short" weapon name entries should be no longer than 12-13 characters.

"Language" "Français (French)" 

"NMRiH_Map_Time"			"Temps par carte"
"NMRiH_Extract_Min"			"Extraction Min"
"NMRiH_Extract_Max"			"Extraction Max"

"NMRiH_FriendlyFire"			"Tire ami"
"NMRiH_RealismMode"			"Mode Réalisme"
"NMRiH_HardcoreSurvival"		"Survie Hardcore"

"NMRiH_Practice_Starting"		"Pas assez de joueurs. Lancement de l’entrainement."
"NMRiH_Practice_Ending"			"La partie va commencer !"
"NMRiH_Round_Starting"			"La partie commence dans 5 secondes."

"NMRiH_Extraction_Preview"		"Rejoignez le point d'extraction."
"NMRiH_Extraction_Start"		""
"NMRiH_Post_Extraction"			"Échec !"

"NMRiH_Player_Extracted"		"Vous avez été secouru(e)"

"NMRiH_Players_Win"			"Tous les survivants ont été secourus !"
"NMRiH_Players_Win_Wave"		"Les survivants ont résisté à la horde"
"NMRiH_Zombies_Win"			"Les survivants ont perdu le contrôle. "

"NMRiH_Chat_All_Extracted"		"�(SECOURU) �%s1� :  %s2"

"NMRiH_Waiting_For_Spawn"		"En attente de réapparition..."

"NMRiH_Health_Supply_Blocked"		"Réserve de santé bloquée"

"NMRiH_Votekick_List"			"Les IDs des joueurs pour un votekick sont les suivants :\n%s1"
"NMRiH_Votekick_InProgress"		"Un vote est déjà en cours."
"NMRiH_Votekick_KickSelf"		"Vous ne pouvez pas voter en faveur de votre exclusion."
"NMRiH_Votekick_Started"		"Votekick initialisé pour le joueur: %s1\nVous avez %s2 secondes pour voter.\nSay !yes pour voter en faveur de l'exclusion."
"NMRiH_Votekick_UnknownPlayer"		"ID du joueur inconnu !\nSay !vklist pour voir la liste des joueurs."
"NMRiH_Votekick_InvalidId"		"ID du joueur invalide.\nSay !vklist pour voir la liste des joueurs."
"NMRiH_Votekick_Pass"			"Vote réussi !"
"NMRiH_Votekick_Fail"			"Le vote a échoué !"
"NMRiH_Votekick_NeedMorePlayers"	"Trois joueurs sont nécessaires pour entreprendre un votekick ou un voteban."
"NMRiH_Votekick_BanSelf"		"Vous ne pouvez pas voter en faveur de votre bannissement"
"NMRiH_Voteban_Started"			"Voteban initialisé pour le joueur: %s1\nVous avez %s2 secondes pour voter.\nSay !yes pour voter en faveur du bannissement."

"NMR_Automatic_Weapon_Switch"		"Utiliser automatiquement l'arme ramassée (si plus puissante)"

"NMR_Tertiary_Attack"			"Attaque tertiaire"
"NMR_Drop_Weapon"			"Lâcher l'arme en main"
"NMR_Gameplay"				"GAMEPLAY"
"NMR_Setup"				"Choix du personnage et arme de départ"
"NMR_Slots_Title"			"Emplacements"

"Game_connected"			"%s1 vient se se connecter"
"Game_disconnected"			"%s1 a quitté la partie"

"Round_Start"				"La manche démarre"
"Round_Restart"				"La manche redémarre dans %s1"
"Round_PlayerShortage"			"Passez assez de joueurs pour commencer la manche"

"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Ammo"		"J'ai besoin de munitions !"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Follow"		"Suivez-moi !"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Help"		"À l'aide !"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Stay"		"Arrêtez-vous !"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_No"		"Non"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Yes"		"Oui"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_ThankYou"		"Merci"

"Chat_Admin"				"(ADMIN) "
"Chat_Dead"				"(Mort) %s: "
"Chat_Spec"				"(Spec) %s: "
"Chat_Prefix"				"%s: "
"Chat_Extracted"			"(Secouru) %s : "

"Chat_Connected"			"%s1 a rejoint la partie"
"Chat_Disconnected"			"%s1 a quitté la partie (%s2)"
"Chat_Team"				"%s1 a rejoint l'équipe %s2"
"Chat_Name"				"%s1 a changé son nom en %s2"
"Chat_Command"				"CVAR serveur  \"%s1\" changé en %s2\n"

"Respawn_Minutes"			"Réapparition dans %s1 minute(s)"
"Respawn_Seconds"			"Réapparition dans %s1 seconde(s)"
"Respawn_Now"				"Réapparition..."

"Survival_Round_Lost"			"Vous n'avez pas survécu."

"PlayerAlive"				"Statut"
"PlayerAlive_Alive"			"VIVANT"
"PlayerAlive_Dead"			"MORT"
"PlayerRespawns"			"Réapparait"

"Radial_ammo"				"Munitions"

"Weapon_fa_500a"			"Mossberg 500a"
"Weapon_fa_870"				"Remington 870"
"Weapon_fa_1022"			"Ruger 10/22"
"Weapon_fa_1911"			"Colt 1911"
"Weapon_fa_m16a4"			"M16A4"
"Weapon_fa_m92fs"			"Beretta M92FS"
"Weapon_fa_mac10"			"Ingram Mac-10"
"Weapon_fa_mp5a3"			"Heckler & Koch MP5A3"
"Weapon_fa_mkiii"			"Ruger MKiii"
"Weapon_fa_sako85"			"Sako 85"
"Weapon_fa_sks"				"SKS 7.62mm"
"Weapon_fa_superx3"			"Winchester Super X3"
"Weapon_fa_sv10"			"Beretta Perennia SV10"
"Weapon_fa_sw686"			"Smith & Wesson 686"
"Weapon_fa_winchester1892"	"Winchester 1892"
"Weapon_item_bandages"		"Bandages"
"Weapon_item_maglite"		"Lampe torche"
"Weapon_item_pills"			"Gélules Phalanx"
"Weapon_item_first_aid"		"Kit de premiers soins"
"Weapon_item_walkietalkie"	"Talkie-walkie"
"Weapon_me_axe_fire"		"Hache"
"Weapon_me_bat_metal"		"Batte de baseball"
"Weapon_me_chainsaw"		"Tronçonneuse"
"Weapon_me_crowbar"			"Pied-de-biche"
"Weapon_me_hatchet"			"Hachette"
"Weapon_me_kitknife"			"Couteau de cuisine"
"Weapon_me_machete"			"Machette"
"Weapon_me_pipe_lead"		"Tuyau rigide"
"Weapon_me_shovel"			"Pelle"
"Weapon_me_sledge"			"Masse"
"Weapon_me_wrench"			"Clé à molette"
"Weapon_tool_barricade"		"Marteau de charpentier"
"Weapon_tool_extinguisher"	"Extincteur"
"Weapon_tool_flare_gun"		"Pistolet de détresse"
"Weapon_tool_welder"		"Soudeur"
"Weapon_grenade"			"Grenade"

"ammobox_9mm"				"9mm"
"ammobox_45ACP"			".45 ACP"
"ammobox_357"				".357"
"ammobox_12gauge"			"12 Gauge"
"ammobox_22LR"				".22 LR"
"ammobox_308"				".308"
"ammobox_556"				"5.56mm"
"ammobox_762mm"			"7.62x39"
"ammobox_grenades"			"Grenades"
"ammobox_fuel"				"Carburant"
"ammobox_board"			"Planches"
"ammobox_flare"			"Fusées"

"Weapon_fa_500a_short"				"Moss. 500a"
"Weapon_fa_870_short"				"Rem. 870"
"Weapon_fa_1022_short"				"Ruger 10/22"
"Weapon_fa_1911_short"				"Colt 1911"
"Weapon_fa_m16a4_short"				"M16A4"
"Weapon_fa_m92fs_short"				"M92FS"
"Weapon_fa_mac10_short"				"Mac-10"
"Weapon_fa_mkiii_short"				"Ruger MKiii"
"Weapon_fa_mp5a3_short"				"MP5A3"
"Weapon_fa_sako85_short"			"Sako 85"
"Weapon_fa_sks_short"				"SKS"
"Weapon_fa_superx3_short"			"Super X3"
"Weapon_fa_sv10_short"				"SV10"
"Weapon_fa_sw686_short"				"S&W 686"
"Weapon_fa_winchester1892_short"		"Win. 1892"
"Weapon_item_bandages_short"			"Bandages"
"Weapon_item_maglite_short"			"Lampes"
"Weapon_item_pills_short"			"Gélules"
"Weapon_item_first_aid_short"			"Kit soins"
"Weapon_item_walkietalkie_short"		"Talkie Walkie"
"Weapon_me_axe_fire_short"			"Hache"
"Weapon_me_bat_metal_short"			"Batte"
"Weapon_me_chainsaw_short"			"Tronçonneuse"
"Weapon_me_crowbar_short"			"Pied"
"Weapon_me_hatchet_short"			"Hachette"
"Weapon_me_kitknife_short"			"Couteau"
"Weapon_me_machete_short"			"Machette"
"Weapon_me_pipe_lead_short"			"Tuyau"
"Weapon_me_shovel_short"			"Pelle"
"Weapon_me_sledge_short"			"Masse"
"Weapon_me_wrench_short"			"Clé"
"Weapon_tool_barricade_short"		"Marteau"
"Weapon_tool_extinguisher_short"	"Extincteur"
"Weapon_tool_flare_gun_short"		"Pist. Détr"
"Weapon_tool_welder_short"			"Soudeur"
"Weapon_grenade_short"				"Grenade"

"ammobox_9mm_short"				"9mm"
"ammobox_45ACP_short"			".45 ACP"
"ammobox_357_short"				".357"
"ammobox_12gauge_short"			"12 Gauge"
"ammobox_22LR_short"			".22 LR"
"ammobox_308_short"				".308"
"ammobox_556_short"				"5.56mm"
"ammobox_762mm_short"			"7.62x39"
"ammobox_grenades_short"		"Grenades"
"ammobox_fuel_short"			"Carburant"
"ammobox_board_short"			"Planches"
"ammobox_flare_short"			"Fusées"