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NMRiH schinese

From No More Room in Hell
Revision as of 02:35, 27 August 2014 by Reshine (Talk | contribs) (Update)

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"Language" "schinese" 

"NMRiH_Map_Time"			"每张地图时间"
"NMRiH_Extract_Min"			"最短撤离时间"
"NMRiH_Extract_Max"			"最长撤离时间"

"NMRiH_FriendlyFire"			"友军伤害"
"NMRiH_RealismMode"				"写实模式"
"NMRiH_HardcoreSurvival"		"专家生存模式"

"NMRiH_Practice_Starting"		"没有足够的玩家来开始。 正在开始练习模式。"
"NMRiH_Practice_Ending"			"游戏即将开始!"
"NMRiH_Round_Starting"			"生还者模式将在 5 秒内开始。"

"NMRiH_Extraction_Preview"		"前往撤离点"
"NMRiH_Extraction_Start"		""
"NMRiH_Post_Extraction"			"失败!"

"NMRiH_Player_Extracted"		"你已撤离!"

"NMRiH_Players_Win"			"所有的生还者已撤离!"
"NMRiH_Players_Win_Wave"		"生还者抵挡住了尸潮!"
"NMRiH_Zombies_Win"			"生还者的撤离时间已被耗尽!"

"NMRiH_Chat_All_Extracted"		"�(已撤离)�%s1� : %s2"

"NMRiH_Waiting_For_Spawn"		"正在等待重生点.."

"NMRiH_Health_Supply_Blocked"		"急救箱位置被阻挡"

"PracticeTimeRemaining"			"游戏将在 %s1 秒内开始"
"RoundStarting"				"游戏即将开始!"

"NMRiH_Votekick_List"			"等待被投票踢出的用户 ID 如下:\n%s1"
"NMRiH_Votekick_InProgress"		"投票已在进行中!"
"NMRiH_Votekick_KickSelf"		"你不能投票踢自己!"
"NMRiH_Votekick_Started"		"投票踢出玩家:%s1\n投票时间还剩 %s2 秒。\n聊天框内输入 !yes 来投票踢出该玩家。"
"NMRiH_Votekick_UnknownPlayer"		"未知玩家 ID!\n聊天框内输入 !vklist 查看玩家列表。"
"NMRiH_Votekick_InvalidId"		"无效玩家 ID。\n聊天框内输入 !vklist 查看玩家列表。"
"NMRiH_Votekick_Pass"			"已通过投票!"
"NMRiH_Votekick_Fail"			"未通过投票!"
"NMRiH_Votekick_NeedMorePlayers"	"需要至少 3 名玩家来发起一次投票踢出或投票封禁。"
"NMRiH_Votekick_BanSelf"		"你不能投票封你自己!"
"NMRiH_Voteban_Started"			"投票封禁玩家:%s1\n投票时间还剩? %s2 秒。\n聊天框内输入 !yes 来投票封禁该玩家。"

"NMR_Automatic_Weapon_Switch"		"自动切换到捡起的武器(当威力更大时)"

"NMR_Tertiary_Attack"			"第三攻击"
"NMR_Drop_Weapon"			"丢弃你当前的武器"
"NMR_Gameplay"				"游戏设置"
"NMR_Setup"				"设置角色和初始武器"
"NMR_Slots_Title"			"槽位"

"Game_connected"			"%s1 已连接"
"Game_disconnected"			"%s1 离开了游戏"

"Round_Start"				"回合正在开始!"
"Round_Restart"				"回合重新开始剩余时间:%s1"
"Round_PlayerShortage"			"没有足够的玩家开始回合"

"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Ammo"		"需要弹药"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Follow"		"跟着我"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Help"		"救命!"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Stay"		"停在这儿"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_No"			"不"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Yes"		"好"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_ThankYou"		"谢了"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Incoming"		"它们来了"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Injured"		"受伤了"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Taunt"		"嘲讽"

// Radio and chat strings can have control characters embedded to set colors.  For the control characters to be used, one must be at the start of the string.
// The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad.
// � = 0x02 (STX) - Use team color up to the end of the player name.  This only works at the start of the string, and precludes using the other control characters.
// � = 0x03 (ETX) - Use team color from this point forward
// � = 0x04 (EOT) - Use location color from this point forward
// � = 0x05 (ENQ) - Use achievement color from this point forward
// � = 0x01 (SOH) - Use normal color from this point forward
"SDK_Chat_Team"				"�(团队) �%s1� :  %s2"
"SDK_Chat_Team_Dead"			"�*死亡*(团队) �%s1� :  %s2"
"SDK_Chat_Spec"				"�(观察) �%s1� :  %s2"
"SDK_Chat_All"				"�%s1 :  %s2"
"SDK_Chat_All_Dead"			"�(死亡) �%s1� :  %s2"
"SDK_Chat_All_Spec"			"�(观察) �%s1� :  %s2"

"SDK_Team_Unassigned"			"未分配"
"SDK_Team_Spectator"			"观察者"

"Chat_Admin"				"(管理员)"
"Chat_Dead"				"(死亡)%s:"
"Chat_Spec"				"(观察)%s:"
"Chat_Prefix"				"%s:"
"Chat_Extracted"			"(已撤离)%s:"

"Chat_Connected"			"%s1 加入游戏"
"Chat_Disconnected"			"%s1 离开了游戏(%s2)"
"Chat_Team"				"%s1 加入团队 %s2"
"Chat_Name"				"%s1 已将名称改为 %s2"
"Chat_Command"				"服务器参数‘%s1’更改为 %s2\n"

"Respawn_Minutes"			"%s1 分钟内重生"
"Respawn_Seconds"			"%s1 秒内重生"
"Respawn_Now"				"正在重生 ..."

"Survival_Round_Lost"			"你没能生存下来"

"PlayerAlive"				"状态"
"PlayerAlive_Alive"			"存活"
"PlayerAlive_Dead"			"死亡"
"PlayerRespawns"			"重生"

"Radial_ammo"				"弹药"

"Weapon_bow_deerhunter"			"PSE 猎鹿者复合弓"
"Weapon_exp_grenade"			"M67 手雷"
"Weapon_exp_molotov"			"燃烧瓶"
"Weapon_exp_tnt"			"TNT"
"Weapon_fa_500a"			"莫斯伯格 500a"
"Weapon_fa_870"				"雷明顿 870"
"Weapon_fa_1022"			"鲁格 10/22"
"Weapon_fa_1911"			"柯尔特 1911"
"Weapon_fa_cz858"			"CZ858"
"Weapon_fa_fnfal"			"FN FAL"
"Weapon_fa_glock17"			"格洛克 17"
"Weapon_fa_jae700"			"JAE-700"
"Weapon_fa_m16a4"			"M16A4"
"Weapon_fa_m92fs"			"伯莱塔 M92FS"
"Weapon_fa_mac10"			"英格拉姆 Mac-10"
"Weapon_fa_mp5a3"			"H&K MP5A3"
"Weapon_fa_mkiii"			"鲁格 MKiii"
"Weapon_fa_sako85"			"萨科 85"
"Weapon_fa_sks"				"SKS 7.62mm"
"Weapon_fa_superx3"			"温彻斯特 Super X3"
"Weapon_fa_sv10"			"伯莱塔 SV10"
"Weapon_fa_sw686"			"史密斯韦森 686"
"Weapon_fa_winchester1892"	"温彻斯特 1892"
"Weapon_item_bandages"		"绷带"
"Weapon_item_maglite"		"手电筒"
"Weapon_item_pills"			"抗感染药物"
"Weapon_item_first_aid"		"急救包"
"Weapon_item_walkietalkie"	"对讲机"
"Weapon_me_axe_fire"		"消防斧"
"Weapon_me_bat_metal"		"棒球棒"
"Weapon_me_chainsaw"		"链锯"
"Weapon_me_crowbar"			"撬棍"
"Weapon_me_etool"			"多功能铲"
"Weapon_me_fubar"			"Fubar"
"Weapon_me_hatchet"			"手斧"
"Weapon_me_kitknife"			"菜刀"
"Weapon_me_machete"			"砍刀"
"Weapon_me_pipe_lead"		"水管"
"Weapon_me_shovel"			"铁锹"
"Weapon_me_sledge"			"大锤"
"Weapon_me_wrench"			"管钳"
"Weapon_tool_barricade"		"钉锤"
"Weapon_tool_extinguisher"	"灭火器"
"Weapon_tool_flare_gun"		"信号枪"
"Weapon_tool_welder"		"焊枪"

"ammobox_9mm"				"9mm"
"ammobox_45ACP"			".45 ACP"
"ammobox_357"				".357"
"ammobox_12gauge"			"12 Gauge"
"ammobox_22LR"				".22 LR"
"ammobox_308"				".308"
"ammobox_556"				"5.56mm"
"ammobox_762mm"			"7.62x39"
"ammobox_grenades"			"手雷"
"ammobox_molotov"		"燃烧瓶"
"ammobox_tnt"			"TNT"
"ammobox_arrow"			"箭"
"ammobox_fuel"				"燃料"
"ammobox_board"			"木板"
"ammobox_flare"			"信号"

"Weapon_bow_deerhunter_short"			"复合弓"
"Weapon_exp_grenade_short"			"手雷"
"Weapon_exp_molotov_short"			"燃烧瓶"
"Weapon_exp_tnt_short"				"TNT"
"Weapon_fa_500a_short"				"Moss. 500a"
"Weapon_fa_870_short"				"Rem. 870"
"Weapon_fa_1022_short"				"Ruger 10/22"
"Weapon_fa_1911_short"				"Colt 1911"
"Weapon_fa_cz858_short"				"CZ858"
"Weapon_fa_fnfal_short"				"FN FAL"
"Weapon_fa_glock17_short"			"G17"
"Weapon_fa_jae700_short"                        "JAE-700"
"Weapon_fa_m16a4_short"				"M16A4"
"Weapon_fa_m92fs_short"				"M92FS"
"Weapon_fa_mac10_short"				"Mac-10"
"Weapon_fa_mkiii_short"				"Ruger MKiii"
"Weapon_fa_mp5a3_short"				"MP5A3"
"Weapon_fa_sako85_short"			"Sako 85"
"Weapon_fa_sks_short"				"SKS"
"Weapon_fa_superx3_short"			"Super X3"
"Weapon_fa_sv10_short"				"SV10"
"Weapon_fa_sw686_short"				"S&W 686"
"Weapon_fa_winchester1892_short"		"Win. 1892"
"Weapon_item_bandages_short"			"绷带"
"Weapon_item_maglite_short"			"手电筒"
"Weapon_item_pills_short"			"药丸"
"Weapon_item_first_aid_short"			"急救包"
"Weapon_item_walkietalkie_short"		"对讲机"
"Weapon_me_axe_fire_short"			"消防斧"
"Weapon_me_bat_metal_short"			"棒球棒"
"Weapon_me_chainsaw_short"			"链锯"
"Weapon_me_crowbar_short"			"撬棍"
"Weapon_me_etool_short"				"多功能铲"
"Weapon_me_fubar_short"				"Fubar"
"Weapon_me_hatchet_short"			"手斧"
"Weapon_me_kitknife_short"			"菜刀"
"Weapon_me_machete_short"			"砍刀"
"Weapon_me_pipe_lead_short"			"水管"
"Weapon_me_shovel_short"			"铁锹"
"Weapon_me_sledge_short"			"大锤"
"Weapon_me_wrench_short"			"管钳"
"Weapon_tool_barricade_short"		"钉锤"
"Weapon_tool_extinguisher_short"	"灭火器"
"Weapon_tool_flare_gun_short"		"信号枪"
"Weapon_tool_welder_short"			"焊枪"

"ammobox_9mm_short"				"9mm"
"ammobox_45ACP_short"			".45 ACP"
"ammobox_357_short"				".357"
"ammobox_12gauge_short"			"12 Gauge"
"ammobox_22LR_short"			".22 LR"
"ammobox_308_short"				".308"
"ammobox_556_short"				"5.56mm"
"ammobox_762mm_short"			"7.62x39"
"ammobox_grenades_short"		"手雷"
"ammobox_molotov_short"			"燃烧瓶"
"ammobox_tnt_short"				"TNT"
"ammobox_arrow"			        "箭"
"ammobox_fuel_short"			"燃料"
"ammobox_board_short"			"木板"
"ammobox_flare_short"			"信号弹"