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Extraction Setup

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Instructions for getting Extraction working in your map!

Setting up Extraction

1. Find a nice, open space for your extraction point. Preferably, find two or three good, open spaces for your extraction points. Exhibit A: A good(-ish) extraction point. [img]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a225/ssba/nmrih/extract_tut_1.jpg[/img]

2. At each of your chosen extraction points, place a nmrih_extract_point entity. Exhibit B: A nmrih_extract_point entity. [img]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a225/ssba/nmrih/extract_tut_2.jpg[/img]

3. Name these entities something sensible. Something like 'extraction_point_1', 'extraction_point_2', etc.

4. Create a func_nmrih_extractionzone brush entity surrounding where you want the extraction zone to be. It should be somewhere between 32 and 64 units high. Again, name these something sensible: 'extraction_zone_1', 'extraction_zone_2', etc. There is a custom texture for this zone named 'tools/toolsextract' for this brush.

Exhibit C: A func_nmrih_extractionzone brush with the toolsextract texture. [img]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a225/ssba/nmrih/extract_tut_3.jpg[/img]

5. Now you need to create a preview camera. This camera will be used at the start of extraction in the event that the associated point was the selected one (more on this later). You have two options: Stationary and Rotating camera.

6. Create an entity of type nmrih_extract_preview and name it something like 'extract_cam_1', 'extract_cam_2', etc.

7. Set the flags for this camera as follows: Freeze Player, Infinite Hold Time, Snap to goal angles

8. Select the Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X) property, then click the Point At... button, and finally click the extraction point you created earlier. This will force the camera to point to the extraction zone. Also, change the value of the Entity to Look At property to the name of the extraction point entity you created in step 2.

9. If you don't want to have a spinning camera, skip to step 14. If you do, continue.

10. If you desire to have a spinning camera (like the ones in the videos I have posted), you need to do a little more. Create a path_corner entity wherever you want this camera to begin, and name it something like 'extract_1_path_1', 'extract_2_path_1', etc.

11. Shift-drag this entity to create a copy that will automatically be linked to the previous one. Continue shift-dragging the entities until you have a ring that is connected everywhere except the last entity to the first.

12. Go into the properties of the last path_corner entity and change the value of the Next stop target property to match the name of the first path_corner entity you created. Exhibit D: A complete camera path. [img]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a225/ssba/nmrih/extract_tut_4.jpg[/img]

13. Go back to the camera entity you created in step 6. Change the value of the Path Corner property to the name of the first path_corner entity you created. Also, set the value of Initial Speed to something greater than 0. For example, I used a value of 100 in the citylife test map.

14. Finally, you need to link all three things together. Go into the properties of the nmrih_extract_point entity you created in step 2.

15. Change the value of Extraction Zone to match the name of the extraction zone you created in step 4. You can use the eyedrop button to pick the target from the game world.

16. Change the value of Extraction Cam to match the name of the camera you created in step 6. Again, you can use the eyedrop button to pick the target from the game world.

17. Repeat these steps for each extraction point you want in your map. You should probably have at least 2, if not 3. A random extraction point will be chosen each round.

18. Enjoy your new extraction zones!

At a whopping 18 steps this may be confusing the first time around, however it really is rather quick to set up. Don't be afraid to ask someone for help if there is confusion on how to set it up.