We are currently updating the articles for 1.09.0. Translated articles will need to be updated by their respective authors.
NMRiH korean
From No More Room in Hell
NOTE: The "_short" weapon name entries should be no longer than 12-13 characters.
"lang" { "Language" "Korean" "Tokens" { "NMRiH_Map_Time" "맵마다 시간" "NMRiH_Extract_Min" "최소 탈출" "NMRiH_Extract_Max" "최대 탈출" "NMRiH_FriendlyFire" "아군사격" "NMRiH_RealismMode" "현실성 모드" "NMRiH_HardcoreSurvival" "하드코어 생존게임" "NMRiH_Practice_Starting" "플레이어가 부족합니다. 연습모드를 시작합니다." "NMRiH_Practice_Ending" "게임이 곧 시작됩니다!" "NMRiH_Round_Starting" "5초후에 생존게임이 시작됩니다." "NMRiH_Extraction_Preview" "탈출지점으로 이동하세요." "NMRiH_Extraction_Start" "" "NMRiH_Post_Extraction" "실패!" "NMRiH_Player_Extracted" "탈출에 성공했습니다." "NMRiH_Players_Win" "모든 생존자들이 탈출했습니다!" "NMRiH_Players_Win_Wave" "생존자들이 습격에 살아남았습니다!" "NMRiH_Zombies_Win" "아무도 살아남지 못했습니다!" "NMRiH_Chat_All_Extracted" "�(탈출성공) �%s1� : %s2" "NMRiH_Waiting_For_Spawn" "시작지점 대기중..." "NMRiH_Health_Supply_Blocked" "Health Station Blocked" "NMRiH_Votekick_List" "User IDs for votekick are as follows:\n%s1" "NMRiH_Votekick_InProgress" "Vote already in progress!" "NMRiH_Votekick_KickSelf" "You can't vote to kick yourself!" "NMRiH_Votekick_Started" "Votekick started for player: %s1\nYou have %s2 seconds to vote.\nSay !yes to vote for this kick." "NMRiH_Votekick_UnknownPlayer" "Unknown player id!\nSay !vklist for list of players." "NMRiH_Votekick_InvalidId" "Invalid player id.\nSay !vklist for list of players." "NMRiH_Votekick_Pass" "투표 성공!" "NMRiH_Votekick_Fail" "투표 실패!" "NMRiH_Votekick_NeedMorePlayers" "Need at least 3 players to initiate a votekick or voteban." "NMRiH_Votekick_BanSelf" "You can't vote to ban yourself!" "NMRiH_Voteban_Started" "Voteban started for player: %s1\nYou have %s2 seconds to vote.\nSay !yes to vote for this ban." "NMR_Automatic_Weapon_Switch" "획득한 무기로 자동전환(더 강력할 경우에만)" "NMR_Tertiary_Attack" "Tertiary Attack" "NMR_Drop_Weapon" "Drop your Current Weapon" "NMR_Gameplay" "GAMEPLAY" "NMR_Setup" "Setup Character and Starting Weapon" "NMR_Slots_Title" "SLOTS" "Game_connected" "%s1님이 게임에 참가했습니다." "Game_disconnected" "%s1님이 게임에서 나갔습니다." "Round_Start" "Round is Commencing!" "Round_Restart" "Round is Restarting in %s1" "Round_PlayerShortage" "Not Enough Players to Start the Round" "NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Ammo" "탄약 요청" "NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Follow" "이동" "NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Help" "도움!" "NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Stay" "정지" "NMRiH_VoiceCommand_No" "부정" "NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Yes" "긍정" "NMRiH_VoiceCommand_ThankYou" "고마움" "NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Incoming" "적 출현" "NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Injured" "부상" // Radio and chat strings can have control characters embedded to set colors. For the control characters to be used, one must be at the start of the string. // The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad. // � = 0x02 (STX) - Use team color up to the end of the player name. This only works at the start of the string, and precludes using the other control characters. // � = 0x03 (ETX) - Use team color from this point forward // � = 0x04 (EOT) - Use location color from this point forward // � = 0x05 (ENQ) - Use achievement color from this point forward // � = 0x01 (SOH) - Use normal color from this point forward "SDK_Chat_Team" "�(팀) �%s1� : %s2" "SDK_Chat_Team_Dead" "�*사망*(팀) �%s1� : %s2" "SDK_Chat_Spec" "�(관전자) �%s1� : %s2" "SDK_Chat_All" "�%s1 : %s2" "SDK_Chat_All_Dead" "�(사망) �%s1� : %s2" "SDK_Chat_All_Spec" "�(관전) �%s1� : %s2" "SDK_Team_Unassigned" "할당되지않음" "SDK_Team_Spectator" "관전자" "Chat_Admin" "(ADMIN) " "Chat_Dead" "(사망) %s: " "Chat_Spec" "(관전) %s: " "Chat_Prefix" "%s: " "Chat_Extracted" "(탈출성공) %s: " "Chat_Connected" "%s1 has joined the game" "Chat_Disconnected" "%s1 left the game (%s2)" "Chat_Team" "%s1 joined team %s2" "Chat_Name" "%s1 changed name to %s2" "Chat_Command" "Server cvar \"%s1\" changed to %s2\n" "Respawn_Minutes" "%s1분 후 부활합니다." "Respawn_Seconds" "%s1초 후 부활합니다." "Respawn_Now" "부활합니다..." "Survival_Round_Lost" "살아남지 못했습니다." "PlayerAlive" "상태" "PlayerAlive_Alive" "생존" "PlayerAlive_Dead" "사망" "PlayerRespawns" "부활" "Radial_ammo" "탄약" "Weapon_bow_deerhunter" "PSE Deer Hunter" "Weapon_exp_grenade" "수류탄" "Weapon_exp_molotov" "화염병" "Weapon_exp_tnt" "TNT" "Weapon_fa_500a" "Mossberg 500a" "Weapon_fa_870" "Remington 870" "Weapon_fa_1022" "Ruger 10/22" "Weapon_fa_1911" "Colt 1911" "Weapon_fa_cz858" "CZ858" "Weapon_fa_glock17" "Glock" "Weapon_fa_m16a4" "M16A4" "Weapon_fa_m92fs" "Beretta M92FS" "Weapon_fa_mac10" "Ingram Mac-10" "Weapon_fa_mp5a3" "Heckler & Koch MP5A3" "Weapon_fa_mkiii" "Ruger MKiii" "Weapon_fa_sako85" "Sako 85" "Weapon_fa_sks" "SKS 7.62mm" "Weapon_fa_superx3" "Winchester Super X3" "Weapon_fa_sv10" "Beretta Perennia SV10" "Weapon_fa_sw686" "Smith & Wesson 686" "Weapon_fa_winchester1892" "Winchester 1892" "Weapon_item_bandages" "붕대" "Weapon_item_maglite" "손전등" "Weapon_item_pills" "감염회복알약" "Weapon_item_first_aid" "응급처치도구" "Weapon_item_walkietalkie" "무전기" "Weapon_me_axe_fire" "소방 도끼" "Weapon_me_bat_metal" "야구 방망이" "Weapon_me_chainsaw" "전기톱" "Weapon_me_crowbar" "쇠지렛대" "Weapon_me_hatchet" "손도끼" "Weapon_me_kitknife" "도구칼" "Weapon_me_machete" "마체테" "Weapon_me_pipe_lead" "납 파이프" "Weapon_me_shovel" "삽" "Weapon_me_sledge" "망치" "Weapon_me_wrench" "렌치" "Weapon_tool_barricade" "방책 망치" "Weapon_tool_extinguisher" "소화기" "Weapon_tool_flare_gun" "조명탄" "Weapon_tool_welder" "용접기" "ammobox_9mm" "9mm" "ammobox_45ACP" ".45 ACP" "ammobox_357" ".357" "ammobox_12gauge" "12 Gauge" "ammobox_22LR" ".22 LR" "ammobox_308" ".308" "ammobox_556" "5.56mm" "ammobox_762mm" "7.62x39" "ammobox_grenades" "수류탄" "ammobox_molotov" "화염병" "ammobox_tnt" "TNT" "ammobox_arrow" "화살" "ammobox_fuel" "연료" "ammobox_board" "나무판자" "ammobox_flare" "조명탄" "Weapon_bow_deerhunter_short" "PSE D. Hunt." "Weapon_exp_grenade_short" "Grenade" "Weapon_exp_molotov_short" "Molotov" "Weapon_exp_tnt_short" "TNT" "Weapon_fa_500a_short" "Moss. 500a" "Weapon_fa_870_short" "Rem. 870" "Weapon_fa_1022_short" "Ruger 10/22" "Weapon_fa_1911_short" "Colt 1911" "Weapon_fa_cz858_short" "CZ858" "Weapon_fa_glock17_short" "Glock" "Weapon_fa_m16a4_short" "M16A4" "Weapon_fa_m92fs_short" "M92FS" "Weapon_fa_mac10_short" "Mac-10" "Weapon_fa_mkiii_short" "Ruger MKiii" "Weapon_fa_mp5a3_short" "MP5A3" "Weapon_fa_sako85_short" "Sako 85" "Weapon_fa_sks_short" "SKS" "Weapon_fa_superx3_short" "Super X3" "Weapon_fa_sv10_short" "SV10" "Weapon_fa_sw686_short" "S&W 686" "Weapon_fa_winchester1892_short" "Win. 1892" "Weapon_item_bandages_short" "붕대" "Weapon_item_maglite_short" "손전등" "Weapon_item_pills_short" "감염회복알약" "Weapon_item_first_aid_short" "응급처치도구" "Weapon_item_walkietalkie_short" "무전기" "Weapon_me_axe_fire_short" "소방 도끼" "Weapon_me_bat_metal_short" "야구 방망이" "Weapon_me_chainsaw_short" "전기톱" "Weapon_me_crowbar_short" "쇠지렛대" "Weapon_me_hatchet_short" "손도끼" "Weapon_me_kitknife_short" "도구칼" "Weapon_me_machete_short" "마체테" "Weapon_me_pipe_lead_short" "납 파이프" "Weapon_me_shovel_short" "삽" "Weapon_me_sledge_short" "망치" "Weapon_me_wrench_short" "렌치" "Weapon_tool_barricade_short" "방책 망치" "Weapon_tool_extinguisher_short" "소화기" "Weapon_tool_flare_gun_short" "조명탄" "Weapon_tool_welder_short" "용접기" "ammobox_9mm_short" "9mm" "ammobox_45ACP_short" ".45 ACP" "ammobox_357_short" ".357" "ammobox_12gauge_short" "12 Gauge" "ammobox_22LR_short" ".22 LR" "ammobox_308_short" ".308" "ammobox_556_short" "5.56mm" "ammobox_762mm_short" "7.62x39" "ammobox_grenades_short" "수류탄" "ammobox_molotov_short" "화염병" "ammobox_tnt_short" "TNT" "ammobox_fuel_short" "연료" "ammobox_arrow_short" "화살" "ammobox_board_short" "나무판자" "ammobox_flare_short" "조명탄" } }