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Gameui french
From No More Room in Hell
"lang" { "Language" "French" "Tokens" { "NMRiH_Dev_NextObjective" "Objectif suivant: %s1" "NMRiH_CharSelect_Random" "Aléatoire" "NMRiH_Options_Compass" "Boussole" "NMRiH_Options_InventoryWeapons" "Armes" "NMRiH_Options_InventoryAmmo" "Munitions" "NMRiH_Options_VoiceCommands" "Commandes vocales" "NMRiH_Options_Suicide" "Je ne regrette rien" "NMRiH_Options_Shove" "Pousser/Frapper" "NMRiH_Options_ShowObjective" "Afficher objectif en cours" "NMRiH_Options_DropWeapon" "Jeter arme" "NMRiH_Options_Sprint" "Sprint" "NMRiH_Options_Reload" "Recharger (garder appuyé pour afficher munitions)" "NMRiH_Options_Holster" "Rengainer arme" "VoiceSet" "Voix" "AmmoCheckType" "Vérification munitions" "AmmoCheckType_Both" "Voix et HUD" "AmmoCheckType_Voice" "Voix seulement" "AmmoCheckType_HUD" "HUD seulement" "Title_CharacterSelect" "Sélection de personnage" } } //credits to Charles Cantin