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Difference between revisions of "NMRiH tchinese"

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Line 156: Line 156:
"Weapon_me_crowbar" "鐵撬"
"Weapon_me_crowbar" "鐵撬"
"Weapon_me_etool" "工兵鏟"
"Weapon_me_etool" "工兵鏟"
"Weapon_me_fubar" "破壞桿"
"Weapon_me_fubar" "多功能桿"
"Weapon_me_hatchet" "短柄斧"
"Weapon_me_hatchet" "短柄斧"
"Weapon_me_kitknife" "廚房刀"
"Weapon_me_kitknife" "廚房刀"
Line 222: Line 222:
"Weapon_me_crowbar_short" "鐵撬"
"Weapon_me_crowbar_short" "鐵撬"
"Weapon_me_etool_short" "工兵鏟"
"Weapon_me_etool_short" "工兵鏟"
"Weapon_me_fubar_short" "破壞桿"
"Weapon_me_fubar_short" "多功能桿"
"Weapon_me_hatchet_short" "短柄斧"
"Weapon_me_hatchet_short" "短柄斧"
"Weapon_me_kitknife_short" "廚房刀"
"Weapon_me_kitknife_short" "廚房刀"

Revision as of 00:16, 1 August 2015

"Language" "tchinese" 

"NMRiH_Map_Time"			"地圖切換時間"
"NMRiH_Extract_Min"			"疏散最少人數"
"NMRiH_Extract_Max"			"疏散人數上限"

"NMRiH_FriendlyFire"			"隊友傷害"
"NMRiH_RealismMode"				"寫實模式"
"NMRiH_HardcoreSurvival"		"極限生存"

"NMRiH_Practice_Starting"		"玩家不足,開始準備模式。"
"NMRiH_Practice_Ending"			"遊戲即將開始!"
"NMRiH_Round_Starting"			"5 秒後開始生存模式。"

"NMRiH_Extraction_Preview"		"逃往撤離地點!"
"NMRiH_Extraction_Start"		""
"NMRiH_Post_Extraction"			"失敗!"

"NMRiH_Player_Extracted"		"您成功疏散了!"

"NMRiH_Players_Win"			"所有倖存者成功疏散了!"
"NMRiH_Players_Win_Wave"		"倖存者成攻守住了這次攻擊!"
"NMRiH_Zombies_Win"			"倖存者遭到了擊潰!"

"NMRiH_Chat_All_Extracted"		"(逃脫者) %s1:%s2"

"NMRiH_Waiting_For_Spawn"		"等待重生地點..."

"NMRiH_Health_Supply_Blocked"		"醫療區空間被擋住了"

"PracticeTimeRemaining"			"遊戲將於 %s1 後開始"
"RoundStarting"				"遊戲開始!"

"NMRiH_Votekick_List"			"遭到投票踢除的玩家 ID 如下:\n%s1"
"NMRiH_Votekick_InProgress"		"投票已正在進行!"
"NMRiH_Votekick_KickSelf"		"你無法投票踢除自己!"
"NMRiH_Votekick_Started"		"投票踢除玩家: %s1\n您還有 %s2 秒進行投票\n說 !yes 進行投票。"
"NMRiH_Votekick_UnknownPlayer"		"未知的玩家 id!\n說 !vklist 開啟玩家名單。"
"NMRiH_Votekick_InvalidId"		"無效的玩家 id。\n說 !vklist 開啟玩家名單。"
"NMRiH_Votekick_Pass"			"投票成功!"
"NMRiH_Votekick_Fail"			"投票失敗!"
"NMRiH_Votekick_NeedMorePlayers"	"至少需要 3 名玩家投票踢除或封鎖。"
"NMRiH_Votekick_BanSelf"		"您無法踢除自己!"
"NMRiH_Voteban_Started"			"投票封鎖玩家: %s1\n您還有 %s2 秒進行投票。\n說 !yes 進行投票。"

"NMR_Automatic_Weapon_Switch"		"撿起武器時自動換成手上的武器 (若火力較強大)"

"NMR_Tertiary_Attack"			"第三方攻擊"
"NMR_Drop_Weapon"			"丟棄目前武器"
"NMR_Gameplay"				"遊戲"
"NMR_Setup"				"設定人物與初始武器"
"NMR_Slots_Title"			"分類"

"Game_connected"			"%s1 連接中"
"Game_disconnected"			"%s1 離開遊戲"

"Round_Start"				"即將開始!"
"Round_Restart"				"遊戲將在 %s1 後重新開始"
"Round_PlayerShortage"			"玩家不足"

"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Ammo"		"要求彈藥"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Follow"		"跟著我"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Help"		"救命!"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Stay"		"停在這"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_No"			"不"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Yes"		"好"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_ThankYou"		"感謝"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Incoming"		"敵人來襲"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Injured"		"受傷"
"NMRiH_VoiceCommand_Taunt"		"嘲諷"

// Radio and chat strings can have control characters embedded to set colors.  For the control characters to be used, one must be at the start of the string.
// The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad.
// � = 0x02 (STX) - Use team color up to the end of the player name.  This only works at the start of the string, and precludes using the other control characters.
// � = 0x03 (ETX) - Use team color from this point forward
// � = 0x04 (EOT) - Use location color from this point forward
// � = 0x05 (ENQ) - Use achievement color from this point forward
// � = 0x01 (SOH) - Use normal color from this point forward
"SDK_Chat_Team"				"�(團隊) �%s1� :  %s2 "
"SDK_Chat_Team_Dead"		"�*死亡* (團隊)�%s1� :  %s2 "
"SDK_Chat_Spec"				"�(觀察者) �%s1� :  %s2 "
"SDK_Chat_All"				"�%s1 :  %s2 "
"SDK_Chat_All_Dead"			"�(死亡) �%s1� :  %s2 "
"SDK_Chat_All_Spec"			"�(觀察) �%s1� :  %s2 "

"SDK_Team_Unassigned"			"未加入隊伍"
"SDK_Team_Spectator"			"觀察者"

"Chat_Admin"				"(管理者) "
"Chat_Dead"				"(死亡)%s: "
"Chat_Spec"				"(觀察)%s: "
"Chat_Prefix"				"%s: "
"Chat_Extracted"			"(逃脫者) %s: "

"Chat_Connected"			"%s1 加入了遊戲"
"Chat_Disconnected"			"%s1 離開遊戲 (%s2)"
"Chat_Team"				"%s1 加入 %s2"
"Chat_Name"				"%s1 更改暱稱為 %s2"
"Chat_Command"				"伺服器參數 \"%s1\" 更改為 %s2\n"

"Respawn_Minutes"			"於 %s1 分鐘後復活"
"Respawn_Seconds"			"於 %s1 秒後復活"
"Respawn_Now"				"重生中..."

"Survival_Round_Lost"			"你沒能倖存"

"PlayerAlive"				"狀態"
"PlayerAlive_Alive"			"存活"
"PlayerAlive_Dead"			"死亡"
"PlayerRespawns"			"重生"

"Radial_ammo"				"彈藥"

"Weapon_bow_deerhunter"			"獵鹿者複合弓"
"Weapon_exp_grenade"			"M67 手榴彈"
"Weapon_exp_molotov"			"莫勒托夫燃燒彈"
"Weapon_exp_tnt"			"TNT 炸藥"
"Weapon_fa_500a"			"莫斯伯格 500a"
"Weapon_fa_870"				"雷明登 870"
"Weapon_fa_1022"			"儒格 10/22"
"Weapon_fa_1022_25mag"		"儒格 10/22 w/ 擴充彈匣"
"Weapon_fa_1911"			"科爾特 1911"
"Weapon_fa_cz858"			"CZ858"
"Weapon_fa_fnfal"			"FN FAL"
"Weapon_fa_glock17"			"葛拉克 17"
"Weapon_fa_jae700"			"JAE 700"
"Weapon_fa_m16a4"			"M16A4"
"Weapon_fa_m16a4_carryhandle"		"M16A4 w/ 提手"
"Weapon_fa_m92fs"			"貝瑞塔 M92FS"
"Weapon_fa_mac10"			"英格倫 Mac-10"
"Weapon_fa_mp5a4"			"黑克勒 科赫 MP5A4"
"Weapon_fa_mkiii"			"儒格 MKiii 型"
"Weapon_fa_sako85"			"沙科 85"
"Weapon_fa_sks"				"SKS 7.62 公厘"
"Weapon_fa_superx3"			"溫徹斯特 Super X3"
"Weapon_fa_sv10"			"貝瑞塔 SV10 雙管霰彈槍"
"Weapon_fa_sw686"			"史密斯 & 威生 686"
"Weapon_fa_winchester1892"	"溫徹斯特 1892"
"Weapon_item_bandages"		"繃帶"
"Weapon_item_maglite"		"手電筒"
"Weapon_item_pills"			"腓蘭克斯藥丸"
"Weapon_item_first_aid"		"醫療包"
"Weapon_item_gene_therapy"	"基因治療針"
"Weapon_item_walkietalkie"	"對講機"
"Weapon_me_abrasivesaw"		"砂輪機"
"Weapon_me_axe_fire"		"消防斧"
"Weapon_me_bat_metal"		"鋁球棒"
"Weapon_me_chainsaw"		"電鋸"
"Weapon_me_crowbar"			"鐵撬"
"Weapon_me_etool"			"工兵鏟"
"Weapon_me_fubar"			"多功能桿"
"Weapon_me_hatchet"			"短柄斧"
"Weapon_me_kitknife"			"廚房刀"
"Weapon_me_machete"			"開山刀"
"Weapon_me_pipe_lead"		"鉛皮管"
"Weapon_me_shovel"			"鐵鏟"
"Weapon_me_sledge"			"鍛造錘"
"Weapon_me_wrench"			"板手"
"Weapon_tool_barricade"		"釘板錘"
"Weapon_tool_extinguisher"	"滅火器"
"Weapon_tool_flare_gun"		"信號槍"
"Weapon_tool_welder"		"切割銲槍"

"ammobox_9mm"			"9 公厘"
"ammobox_45ACP"			".45 ACP"
"ammobox_357"			".357"
"ammobox_12gauge"		"12 號口徑霰彈"
"ammobox_22LR"			".22 LR"
"ammobox_308"			".308"
"ammobox_556"			"5.56 公厘"
"ammobox_762mm"			"7.62x39"
"ammobox_grenades"		"手榴彈"
"ammobox_molotov"		"燃燒彈"
"ammobox_tnt"			"TNT"
"ammobox_arrow"			"弓箭"
"ammobox_fuel"			"燃料"
"ammobox_board"			"木板"
"ammobox_flare"			"信號彈"

"Weapon_bow_deerhunter_short"			"複合弓"
"Weapon_exp_grenade_short"			"手榴彈"
"Weapon_exp_molotov_short"			"燃燒彈"
"Weapon_exp_tnt_short"				"TNT 炸藥"
"Weapon_fa_500a_short"				"Moss. 500a"
"Weapon_fa_870_short"				"Rem. 870"
"Weapon_fa_1022_short"				"儒格 10/22"
"Weapon_fa_1022_25mag_short"			"儒格 10/22 w/ 25 發"
"Weapon_fa_1911_short"				"科爾特 1911"
"Weapon_fa_cz858_short"				"CZ858"
"Weapon_fa_fnfal_short"				"FN FAL"
"Weapon_fa_glock17_short"			"葛拉克"
"Weapon_fa_jae700_short"			"JAE 700"
"Weapon_fa_m16a4_short"				"M16A4"
"Weapon_fa_m16a4_carryhandle_short"		"M16A4"
"Weapon_fa_m92fs_short"				"M92FS"
"Weapon_fa_mac10_short"				"Mac-10"
"Weapon_fa_mkiii_short"				"儒格 MKiii"
"Weapon_fa_mp5a3_short"				"MP5A4"
"Weapon_fa_sako85_short"			"沙科 85"
"Weapon_fa_sks_short"				"SKS"
"Weapon_fa_superx3_short"			"Super X3"
"Weapon_fa_sv10_short"				"SV10"
"Weapon_fa_sw686_short"				"S&W 686"
"Weapon_fa_winchester1892_short"		"Win. 1892"
"Weapon_item_bandages_short"			"繃帶"
"Weapon_item_maglite_short"			"手電筒"
"Weapon_item_pills_short"			"藥丸"
"Weapon_item_first_aid_short"			"醫療包"
"Weapon_item_gene_therapy_short"	"基因治療針"
"Weapon_item_walkietalkie_short"		"對講機"
"Weapon_me_abrasivesaw_short"		"砂輪機"
"Weapon_me_axe_fire_short"			"消防斧"
"Weapon_me_bat_metal_short"			"鋁球棒"
"Weapon_me_chainsaw_short"			"電鋸"
"Weapon_me_crowbar_short"			"鐵撬"
"Weapon_me_etool_short"				"工兵鏟"
"Weapon_me_fubar_short"				"多功能桿"
"Weapon_me_hatchet_short"			"短柄斧"
"Weapon_me_kitknife_short"			"廚房刀"
"Weapon_me_machete_short"			"開山刀"
"Weapon_me_pipe_lead_short"			"鉛皮管"
"Weapon_me_shovel_short"			"鐵鏟"
"Weapon_me_sledge_short"			"鍛造錘"
"Weapon_me_wrench_short"			"板手"
"Weapon_tool_barricade_short"		"釘板工具"
"Weapon_tool_extinguisher_short"	"滅火器"
"Weapon_tool_flare_gun_short"		"信號槍"
"Weapon_tool_welder_short"			"銲槍"

"ammobox_9mm_short"				"9 公厘"
"ammobox_45ACP_short"			".45 ACP"
"ammobox_357_short"				".357"
"ammobox_12gauge_short"			"12 號霰彈"
"ammobox_22LR_short"			".22 LR"
"ammobox_308_short"				".308"
"ammobox_556_short"				"5.56 公厘"
"ammobox_762mm_short"			"7.62x39"
"ammobox_grenades_short"		"手榴彈"
"ammobox_molotov_short"			"燃燒彈"
"ammobox_tnt_short"				"TNT"
"ammobox_fuel_short"			"燃料"
"ammobox_arrow_short"			"弓箭"
"ammobox_board_short"			"木板"
"ammobox_flare_short"			"信號彈"